“I spent that 14 thousand dollars, and I don’t look at those ads as being an expense because […] I’ve done the hard work by crunching those numbers using that goal setting calculator and looking at past performance.”

In today’s episode, I’m going to debrief my Google Ads course launch. We will be talking about how that launch went and what lessons can be learned from that. When launching my course I use the same philosophy that I use with both running ads for my clients and teaching my students how to run their own ads. The process includes setting goals and expectations, analysing stats and optimising.

I am going to give you an overview of the process that I use for the launch of my course and the method I use to get people enrolled. I will also share some real numbers and stats as they are very valuable in understanding how you can extract meaning from the data.

Let’s jump in!


  • How long it took Kaity to develop her online course

  • What king of mething Kaity used for her course’s launch

  • Why Kaity changed the course launch method

  • What does the bootcamp method involve

  • How many people enrolled to the free course

  • What platforms Kaity used for the promotion of her course

  • How much Kaity spent on ads

  • How to make your ad spend to be profitable

  • What each day of the bootcamp was about

  • What was the conversion rate that Kaity got from her free course

  • How Kaity used ads to attract people to try the bootcamp

  • Why optimising is crucial

  • Why Kaity had to push back the launch of her course

  • What elements can be included in the optimisation process



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