‘The best way to think of it is, it’s a tool, it’s not something you have to do, it’s not something you have to compete with anyone on, it’s a tool you have for your business. So try and take a step back. It is so easy to get overwhelmed, you see everyone doing everything all of the time and it’s all just content and noise. But I think, because one of the things people throw out is ‘be consistent, consistency is key’ and yes it is key, but it’s key in your own context. You can be consistent if you’re posting twice a week, great, that is consistency. Consistency doesn’t have to be everyday.’

In today’s episode Kaity is joined by Cheyenne Hackland, Social Media Manager and Marketer.

Cheyenne is a social media marketer with 7 years’ experience in all things digital, helping small – and large – businesses grow and foster genuine communities.

After working in Influencer Marketing for brands like Flat Tummy Co & Sneaky Vaunt, she moved to Social Media Management (amongst other things #smallbizlife) for Melbourne-based brand Silent Arrow. After a few years there, Cheyenne took a leap of faith and started Holler Social in early 2019 ~ and hasn’t looked back.

She finds being able to work with amazing businesses across a wide range of industries is incredible, and being able to share her knowledge and experience to help them build their brands, create loyal communities and visually tell their stories is something she is so passionate about and grateful to do each day.

Let’s jump in!


  • Pros and cons of being employed VS self employment
  • Working with red flag clients
  • Advice for people that are overwhelmed with social media content production
  • Can you do too much content production on Instagram?
  • How long does it take to create a reel
  • Bookmarking inspirational reels or content to come back to when you feel inspired to make your own content
  • Engagement pods – what are they and what are the problems using them
  • 3 favourite ways Instagram can grow your business


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