Performance Max campaigns have been making waves in the advertising world for a good few years now but it’s only very recently that we’ve dabbled with them for our lead gen clients. If you’re considering giving this campaign type a try for your service based biz, here are some essential tips to optimise your setup for the best results.

Performance Max Campaigns for Service-Based Businesses

1. No Shopping Feed? No Problem!

If your business doesn’t have a shopping feed, think of Performance Max campaigns as Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) campaigns. Without keywords, these campaigns use your website copy to match relevant queries. This means your site’s content plays a crucial role in driving the right traffic.

2. Exclude Your Brand Name

To focus on attracting new leads, set up a brand exclusion list. By keeping your brand name out of the mix, you ensure that your ads target potential customers who haven’t yet interacted with your brand. This is a great way to expand your reach and attract fresh leads.

3. Nail Your Audience Signals and Search Themes

Spend time carefully setting up strong audience signals and search themes. This helps Google understand exactly who you’re trying to reach. By defining your target audience clearly, you can improve the relevance and effectiveness of your ads, making sure they reach the right people.

4. Be Thoughtful with ‘Automatically Created Assets’

Decide whether to use automatically created assets based on your specific goals. In some cases, it might be more effective to drive traffic to a specific landing page rather than letting Google create assets on its own. This allows you to maintain more control over the user experience and messaging.

5. Start Small and Scale

Begin with a small budget and scale only as you see performance improvements. This cautious approach helps you manage risk and optimise your campaigns based on actual data and results.

Maximising Your Results with Performance Max Campaigns

Performance Max campaigns can be a powerful tool for service-based businesses looking to generate leads and expand their reach. By following these tips, you can set up and optimise your campaigns for maximum impact.

Remember, the key to successful Performance Max campaigns is continuous testing and optimisation. Start small, analyse your results, and scale as you see positive performance.

Need a hand with set up or strategy? Check out our one-off and project based services, we’d love to help!