If you’ve been keeping an eye on Google’s updates, you might have noticed the big changes happening in Google Merchant Center (GMC). After what felt like forever, Google’s finally rolled out a shiny new interface that’s got everyone talking. And guess what? It comes with some pretty cool features that can make managing your product feeds and ads a whole lot easier.

So, let’s dive into what’s new in Google Merchant Center Next and how these updates can help you level up your Google Ads game.

Why Google Merchant Center Matters for Your E-Commerce Business

Google Merchant Center is a must-have if you’re running Google Ads for an e-commerce store. It’s where you upload all your product data so Google can use it in Shopping ads and other campaigns. With this latest update, GMC just got a lot more user-friendly, making it easier to manage your feeds and spend more time scaling you or your client’s business.

Here’s What’s New in Google Merchant Center Next

  1. Your Supplemental Feeds Are Still Safe

    We know that with any interface change, there’s always that worry that your settings might get messed up. Good news—your supplemental feed and all those rules you’ve carefully set up are still there. You’ll find them under ‘view data sources’ from the Products page. Just head to ‘supplemental sources’ and ‘your attribute rules,’ and you’re good to go.

  2. Automatic Product Pulling Is Here

    GMC now automatically pulls products into your account, which could save you the hassle of managing a manual feed. But heads up—if you’re using feed rules to exclude certain products, make sure to turn off this feature so it doesn’t mess with your settings.

  3. Simpler Column Names

    Google’s made some tweaks to make the interface a bit more straightforward. For example, ‘Custom label’ is now just ‘labels.’ It’s a small change, but it makes navigating the interface a bit easier.

  4. Better Diagnostics

    One of the best parts of this update is the improved diagnostics. It’s now way easier to see what’s going on with your product data and fix any issues that pop up. No more guessing games!

  5. Meet Product Studio

    This new feature lets you optimise your product images right in GMC. You can add backgrounds, fix the resolution, and make your products look their best before they hit the ads. It’s super easy to use and a lot of fun to play around with.

Ready to Take Your GMC Skills to the Next Level?

We’re still getting the hang of the new Google Merchant Center, but we’re loving the changes so far. If you’re ready to get the most out of GMC and your Google Ads campaigns, our 12-week course, Profitable Promotion, is the perfect way to sharpen your skills.

Don’t miss out—join our waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens. Your e-commerce campaigns are about to get a serious upgrade!