Here at Team Kaity we’ve become big fans of ChatGPT! It’s truly revolutionised our approach to Google Ads. This powerful AI has allowed us to simplify and maximize efficiency in ways that surprise and delights us every day.

Our focus has always been to create systems and processes that make Google Ads both straightforward and highly profitable (and then to share these with as many people as possible!).

We believe in building solid foundations and adding strategic layers rather than complicating things unnecessarily. This approach has proven successful time and again, especially when managing scalable ad accounts.

Imagine managing an ad account with a budget of $500k that generates $2 million in revenue yearly, even during economic downturns. This is the power of smart automation and strategic focus. By reducing mundane tasks and increasing the time spent on optimization and strategy, we’ve achieved remarkable results.

ChatGPT has been instrumental in this transformation. Here’s how we use it:

Keyword Research:

ChatGPT helps us identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for our campaigns. This ensures our ads reach the right audience, driving better results.

Generating Ad Copy:

Crafting compelling ad copy is crucial for any campaign. ChatGPT assists in creating engaging and effective ad copy that resonates with our target audience.

Structuring Ad Groups:

Proper ad group structuring is essential for campaign success. ChatGPT provides insights and suggestions for organizing ad groups in a way that maximizes performance.

Suggesting Negative Keywords:

To avoid wasting ad spend, it’s important to filter out irrelevant traffic. ChatGPT helps us identify and implement negative keywords, ensuring our budget is used efficiently.

Want to see how we do it? Profitable Promotion offers step-by-step guides and a comprehensive ads toolkit designed to help you achieve massive results consistently. Jump on the waitlist for our next cohort and embrace the future of Google Ads management with us!

Want a bit more support?

We can help with that!

Here’s where you can go if you’re wanting to learn more about how to do Google Ads yourself

Want us to do it for you? Here’s where you can choose the service that suits you best