Profitable Promotion


Profitable Promotion is a complete system teaching digital marketers and business owners advanced Google Ads strategies – regardless of your paid ads experience.

We’ll arm you with a repeatable framework to execute profitable ads time and time again with our time saving resources, step by step instructions and automation framework.

Join the waitlist to get notified when the doors are open.

Headshot of Profitable Promotion teacher and Google Ads expert Kaity Griffin

“My account is still going so well. I have to turn it off at times as we just can’t keep up!”


Inside our leading Google Ads course Profitable Promotion, you’ll learn how to…

  • Expertly set up, structure and get results from your ads account (minus the tech headaches)
  • Choose profitable keywords designed to get in front of your perfect customer (and get them to click and enter their deets — their credit card deets, that is)
  • Develop a bulletproof optimisation strategy that sees your spending under an hour in your ads account each week (goodbye overwhelm 👋)
  • Understand the ins, outs and upside downs of Google Ads so you can achieve profitable results for your business — or your clients’ businesses — time and time again

AND you’ll get lifetime access to the course and any updates and upgrades so if the tech changes (and it will) you’ll always be able to keep your skills and knowledge fresh.


“Profitable Promotion is a course that I continue to come back to time and time again. “

The amount of valuable information Kaity provides in her Profitable Promotion is truly outstanding.

She explains everything in detail and in a way that makes sense so you know why you are doing it.

Then she shows you how to maintain your Google Ads with optimising, rather than just set up and leave to run on its own which is what I thought Google ads was initially.

This will be a course that I continue to come back to time and time again. Thank you for creating it!



“Profitable Promotion
is the gold standard.”

Kaity’s Profitable Promotion course is the gold standard when it comes to Google Ads training.

The structure of the course is well thought out, and Kaity guides you step by step through the entire process.

The online support is also fantastic – Kaity and her team never ceased to amaze me with the level of detail they provided in response to any questions asked.

I totally, TOTALLY recommend it to anyone who is looking to up their game on Google Ads!


Ready to see exactly what’s inside Profitable Promotion?

Google Ads Overview

Build a rock-solid Google Ads foundation, plus get an overview of some of the big ideas that’ll make this experience pain-free and fun.

Put an end to constant disappointment and Google Ads frustration. Let’s crunch your numbers and set some realistic expectations of your ad account.

In Module 1, you’ll learn:

  • The structure of a high converting Google Ads account so you don’t go sending money down the drain.

  • How to use my tried and true Google Ads calculator to crunch the all important numbers and empower you to understand the relationship between your website and your ads account

  • An overview of the key Google Ads concepts – minus the confusing tech-speak

Plus these time saving resources:

  • Website review checklist to audit yours or your clients’ site to identify leaky holes

  • Metrics that Matter cheat sheet

  • Goal setting calculator to crunch the numbers

Training inside –

  • Google Ads overview

  • Structure of search and product based campaigns

  • How audiences are used in Google Ads

  • The relationship between website and Google Ads

  • Key metrics that impact Google Ads success

  • Overview of conversions and attribution models

  • How to crunch the numbers and set goals

  • Optimisation overview

  • Walkthrough of Google Ads

Connecting the Tech

Ugh. Tech. What a nightmare.

Let’s shine a light on the monster under the bed so you can actually see it’s just a pile of dusty old socks.

In this module we’ll walk you through how to exactly set up the (not scary anymore) techy bits and bobs to implement your profitable Google Ads strategy.

In Module 2, you’ll learn:

  • How to install Google Tag Manager
  • How to install remarketing code so you can get back in front of people that have visited your site, but not purchased

  • How to connect Google Merchant Centre with your site and set up a product feed so you can use shopping ads (a highly profitable campaign type for e-comm businesses)

  • Rinse and repeat tech setup systems for WordPress and Shopify

Plus these time saving resources:

  • “How to audit an existing ad account” video where I walk you through my account audit process if you’re taking on an existing account
  • An audience list template to set up remarketing lists quickly
  • Product feed templates

Training inside –

  • Auditing an existing account and performing a tech check

  • GTM and GA4

  • Setting up audience lists

  • GMC and generating product feeds

Conversion Tracking

Learn a quick n easy way to implement conversion tracking so you can make sure you’re getting data on the right things. This is hands down the most important part of ANY Google Ads account

In Module 3, you’ll learn:

  • How to set up dynamic conversion tracking so you can track precise revenue numbers
  • How to track people that make a phone call from one of your ads
  • How to setup tracking for people that submit forms on your site
  • Calendar and third party app tracking

Plus these time saving resources:

  • How to perform a conversion audit instructions so you’re setting up the right tracking from the get-go
  • Step by step tracking instructions for Shopify and WordPress, plus tracking solutions for other sites

Training inside –

  • Performing a conversion audit

  • Setting up purchase based conversions

  • Setting up lead based conversions (form fills, bookings and phone calls)

Search Campaigns

It’s time to build your account! You’ll be getting your hands dirty doing keyword research and setting up your search campaigns in the most efficient and effective way possible.

In Module 4, you’ll learn:

  • How to leverage ChatGPT for keyword and negative keyword research

  • How to mine existing accounts for keyword research

  • How to set up a search campaign from scratch

  • When to use different campaign types such as brand, non brand and DSA adgroups

Plus these time saving resources:

  • ChatGPT prompts for keyword research, negative keyword suggestions and ad copy ideas

  • Negative keyword swipe file to prevent wasted money from the start

  • Editorial policy and copywriting best practice

Training inside –

  • Search campaign overview

  • Bid strategies

  • Keyword research

  • Creating an adcopy template

  • Setting up search campaigns

  • Dynamic search ads

  • Ad Assets

  • Audiences

  • Negative keyword strategy

Product based campaigns

If you’re an e-commerce business, you won’t want to miss this one.

I’ll teach you how to set up your product ad campaign, which are often the most profitable campaign type.

In Module 5, you’ll learn:

  • Advanced feed optimisation and GMC management

  • How to set up a Performance Max campaign

  • How to organise and categorise your feed using custom labels for advanced campaign management

  • How to maintain a healthy GMC and avoid product disapprovals and account suspensions

  • How to use GMC rules and supplementary feeds


Here we’ll cover budgeting strategy and Google Ads.

In Module 6, you’ll learn:

  • Different budget allocation methods

  • The link between budget and bid strategy

  • How to assign and manage budgets


AKA the key to transforming your ad account from ho-hum to a flat-chat money maker.

Setting up your ad account is half the battle (which you’ll conquer with the toolset above).

The real success comes when you commit to optimising your account weekly and tweaking your account based on real-time data – and not just throwing something against the wall and hoping that it’ll stick.

In Module 7, you’ll learn:

  • The exact optimisation strategy we use with our private clients

  • Diagnosing what to optimise inside an ad account
  • Weekly, monthly and ad hoc optimisation tactics, and when to use them
  • When to switch to automated bid strategies to leverage Google’s machine learning

Plus these time saving resources:

  • How to set up a reporting dashboard for you or your client
  • An n-gram script to identify wasted spend
  • Adding new keywords template to continually build out a high converting ad account
  • Auto-rule template to create a safety net for your ad account
  • Shopping filter template to tweak your product bids
  • Broken link script to identify 404 pages

Training inside –

  • Optimisation overview

  • Reporting overview

  • Account level optimisations

  • Non brand search optimisations

  • Brand campaign optimisations

  • DSA optimisations

  • Performance Max optimisations

  • Automated bid strategies

Plus, these advanced trainings

  • Using Google Ads Editor for bulk ads changes

  • Implementing UTM parameters

  • Competitor campaigns

  • Installing and running scripts

  • Dynamic remarketing for Shopify stores

Profitable Promotion student Nicole

“Best money I have spent on my business”

I absolutely recommend this course. It has been the best money I have spent on my business and worth every minute of my time.

Even if you don’t intend to manage Google Ads yourself, it will arm you with all the right information to know whether your agency has set up your account appropriately and are handling your ads correctly.

And for those who want to manage their ads internally – enjoy the ride!


Profitable promotion student testimonial Kate

“My account is still going so well. I have to turn it off at times as we just can’t keep up!”

I have increased sales, maintained profitability and driven more traffic to my website than ever before. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would ever manage to understand the beast that is Google Ads.

Kaity has given me the skills and confidence to manage my own profitable ads account. The learning is paced appropriately and plenty of resources and tools are provided that I can continue to use after the course is completed.

They somehow manage to make the difficult techy stuff easy. An added bonus is that Kaity and Caitlin are possibly the nicest people ever. Nothing is too much trouble and they genuinely care about helping everyone’s business.

My account is still going so well. I have to turn it off at times as we just can’t keep up!


Profitable Promotion student Rochelle

“I’ve just closed a $10,650 deal”

Thanks to Profitable Promotion I’ve just closed a US $10,650 deal.

Before the course, I would not have had the confidence to pitch Google Ads as a service, despite having someone on my team that is experienced.

I’m only on Module 2 and due to the quality of the course and how in depth it is, it gave me the confidence to offer it.

Client paid the deposit and signed the agreement yesterday, so I’ve already made my investment back and more in 10 days!


“Profitable Promotion is definitely worth every penny I have spent”

I’m in the digital marketing field and this course was a great refresher and addition to my skills. I’m more confident than ever with Google Ads. Definitely worth every penny I have spent.


Profitable Promotion student testimonial
Profitable Promotion student testimonial
Gina Baylis Facebook Recommendation Profitable Promtion
Profitable Promotion student testimonial